
For descriptions of courses, please click on the titles below.

CE 2710 Transportation Engineering and Planning

Course Prerequisites:

  • PHYS 1501 Physics for Engineers I (required): particle dynamics and basic applied mechanics (PHYS 1201 and 1401 are also acceptable)
  • CE 2251 Probability and Statistics for CEE (required, may be concurrent): hypothesis testing, comparison of means, linear regression (STAT 1100 is also acceptable)
  • CE 2410 Geomatics and Spatial Measurement (recommended preparation): use of topographic maps

Course Description: Design of transportation facilities. Traffic flow and capacity analysis. Travel demand analysis and planning methods.

Course Purpose: This course is required of all undergraduate majors in Civil Engineering. It introduces students to the fundamentals of planning, operation and design of transportation facilities.

Course Outcomes: Students successfully completing the course will be able to ...

  1. … collect and analyze data for traffic engineering and design studies.
  2. … estimate the capacity and level of service for interrupted and uninterrupted flow facilities.
  3. … estimate travel demand for transportation facilities.
  4. … design the alignment and cross-section of roadways in accordance with applicable design standards.
  5. … select appropriate design standards for urban streets and rural highways that consider safety and neighborhood context.



CE 4210 Operations Research in Civil & Environmental Engineering

Course Description: Critical path method for scheduling and managing engineering project tasks. Resource allocation subject to constraints. One and two-phase simplex method for linear programming. Optimization of non-linear problems.  Prerequisite: CE 201 or equivalent course.

Course Objectives: This course can be used to meet the professional requirements for the BS in Civil Engineering.  The purpose of the course is to teach students how to apply operations research tools such as linear programming, network analysis, and goal programming to problems and situations that are encountered in the design and construction of civil engineering projects.

Course Outcomes: Students successfully completing the course will be able to...

  1. ... use decision and risk analysis methods to quantify the tradeoffs and choose among competing alternatives.
  2. ... use mathematical optimization tools including linear and integer programming and apply them in design situations.
  3. ... use network analysis algorithms to solve engineering and management problems.
  4. ... use the critical path method and PERT to manage engineering projects.
  5. ... work together in teams to undertake a project with real-world data that requires operations research analysis.







CE 4710 / 5710 Case Studies in Transportation Engineering

Course Description

Analysis of case studies in transportation and urban planning and design. Application of transportation engineering and planning skills. Oral and written group reports, group discussions, individual written papers.

Course Prerequisite

CE 2710 or equivalent (introductory transportation engineering course).

Course Outcomes

Students successfully completing the course will …

  1. … be proficient in oral and written communication of their engineering analysis and design results.
  2. … be able to examine an engineering problem, locate references containing information to help solve the problem, judge the validity and usefulness of the information offered, and design a solution to the problem.
  3. … be proficient in solving multi-task problems in teams, where each team member contributes uniquely towards the solution to the problem.
  4. … be able to select standards and policies for neighborhood street and network design to serve all road users and members of the community.
  5. … understand how transportation issues relate to metropolitan and regional planning, and in particular, the role of government in influencing the shape and form of urban areas.

Course Content

This course, along with CE 2710, is designed to provide competency in the area of transportation engineering for meeting ABET Civil Engineering program requirements. It is also a required core course for new Transportation and Urban Engineering graduate students, and serves as an orientation to graduate studies in, and to the profession of, transportation engineering. Students examine how engineers and planners find solutions to transportation problems that consider community values and the needs of all users of the transportation system and members of society, and use what they learn to design their own solutions to problem contexts assigned by the instructors.



CE 4730 / 5730 Transportation Planning

Pre-requisites: CE 2251 (or equivalent statistics course), which may be taken concurrently. It will be assumed that all students have general competence in calculus as well; Chapter 2 of Ortúzar and Willumsen includes a summary of the mathematical principles needed.

Course Objective:

Students will learn the theory behind urban travel demand forecasting methods as practiced by transportation planning professionals in North America. Emphasis is placed on the four step urban transpor­ta­tion planning proce­dure developed by UMTA in the 1960's, including procedures for estimating travel demand, calibration of gravity models for trip distribution, and application of mode split and network traffic assign­ment models. Application and relevance to other transportation modes and systems will also be discussed. Recent developments in the field of transportation planning in the United States related to mandates on state and local government made by current Federal legislation will also be discussed.




CE 4740 / 5740 Traffic Engineering Characteristics

Pre-requisites: students should have completed the following courses or an equivalent:

  • CE 2251 Probability & Statistics in CEE or equivalent: we will be applying statistical analysis methods learned in this course.
  • CE 2710 Transportation Engineering or equivalent: we will be building upon fundamental traffic engineering and highway capacity concepts learned in this course.

Catalog Course Description: Relationships among traffic flow characteristics; concepts of demand and capacity, microscopic and macroscopic representations of traffic flow; capacity and level of service of highways; traffic stream models.

Course Outcomes: Students completing this course will be able to do the following:

  • Understand concepts of demand, volume, and capacity and how these are important in understanding the fundamentals of traffic flow.
  • Conduct field studies to observe gaps, speed, and volume data and how this data can be used in traffic flow analysis.
  • Understand the fundamentals of traffic signal operations including signal phasing and timing.
  • Use Highway Capacity Manual methods and Highway Capacity Software to estimate capacity and delay for freeways, multi-lane and two-lane rural highways, roundabouts, and signalized and unsignalized intersections.
  • Determine why, when, and how traffic simulation can be used on projects.

CE 4900W & CE 4920W Civil Engineering Projects I and II

CE 4900W

Course Description:

Issues in the practice of Civil & Environmental Engineering: management, business, public policy, leadership, importance of professional licensure, professional ethics, procurement of work, law/contracts, insurance/liability, global/societal issues (e.g., sustainable development, product life cycle), and construction management. Students working singly or in groups prepare proposals for Civil Engineering design projects, oral presentation and written reports.

Course Purpose:

All undergraduate majors in Civil Engineering must take this course. This course covers topics important in preparing students to responsibly engage in the civil engineering profession as required for accreditation of the program (see next page). Because these topics are inherently practice-oriented, most lectures are taught by practicing professionals who have extensive experience in the civil engineering profession. Students will also form groups to prepare proposals for a design project they will conduct during the next semester in the follow-on course, CE 4920W Civil Engineering Projects II.

Course Outcomes:

This course contributes to students’ acquisition of the following:

  1. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  2. an ability to communicate effectively
  3. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  4. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  5. a knowledge of contemporary issues
  6. an ability to design a system, component or process in more than one civil engineering context;
  7. an ability to explain basic concepts in management, business, public policy, and leadership; and
  8. an ability to explain the importance of professional licensure.


CE 4920W

Course Description:

Design of Civil Engineering Projects. Students working singly or in groups implement previously developed proposals for Civil Engineering design projects from first concepts through preliminary proposals, sketches, cost estimations, design, evaluation, consideration of realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, oral presentation and written reports.

Course Objectives:

Students will carry out a design project for which they prepared a proposal in CE 4900W the previous semester.

All undergraduate majors in Civil Engineering must take this course, the second semester of the “Capstone Design” sequence, which begins with CE 4900W Civil Engineering Projects I. Its purpose is to have students apply knowledge of science and engineering towards solving specific, significant engineering problems. Consequently, upon successful completion of this course, each student will have demonstrated an ability to do the following:

  • Recognize the pertinent issues surrounding an engineering problem.
  • Write a clear, coherent, technical proposal for designing a solution to the problem.
  • Design a solution to the problem that considers the unique context in which it is posed.
  • Present solution to both technical and non-technical audiences in oral, written, and graphical form.

Course Outcomes:

This course contributes to students’ acquisition of the following:

  1. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  2. an ability to communicate effectively
  3. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  4. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  5. a knowledge of contemporary issues
  6. an ability to design a system, component or process in more than one civil engineering context;


CE 5725 Transportation Safety

Pre-requisite: CE 2211 and CE 2251 (or equivalent courses in statistics and engineering economics – time value of money), which may be taken concurrently.

Course Description: Human factors in traffic safety, economic costs of crashes, crash data collection and database management, elements of statistics and crash count distributions, exploratory analysis of crash count data, regression analysis of crash count data, before-after studies, network screening and diagnosis, roadway and roadside design, crash modification factors.



CE 6725 Statistical and Econometric Methods in Transportation

Course Description: Application of statistical methods for analysis of transportation data, including linear regression, time series analysis, count data models, logistic regression, discrete outcome models, ordered probability models and Bayesian models.

Project: Students will complete a course project performing a statistical analysis of a real transportation data set. Students are encouraged to choose a project topic related to their thesis research. Students will present the results of their analysis in an oral presentation and a written report. The oral presentations will be made and the written reports will be due in a special class period (during the final exam time).





CE 6730 Travel Demand Forecasting

Recommended Preparation:

  • CE 370 - Understanding of the UMTA four-step process
  • CE 251 - least squares regression and hypothesis testing
  • CE 256 - linear programming and optimization (may be concurrent)
  • MATH 210 - multi-variable calculus

Course Description:

Alternative formulations and calibration of trip generation, trip distribution and travel mode choice prediction models. Traffic network equilibrium and assignment.

CE 6740 Traffic Engineering Operations

Course DescriptionCE 6740 is a graduate level course on traffic engineering tools, applications and operations.  This course deviates from the traditional traffic engineering course in that pedestrians, bicycles and public transportation will play a prominent role in our discussions.  A variety of traffic engineering design and analysis tools will be presented over the course of the semester addressing several types of traffic engineering problems.  The course will revolve around a term project that will require students to work on a team to propose a solution to a traffic engineering problem and provide rigorous supporting analysis for the proposed solution.  Theoretical underpinnings of traffic engineering and its analysis tools will be topics of lecture, homework and exams.  However, this class will be project-oriented and will work best with student initiative in suggesting lecture topics, field trips or other relevant activities.  There are a limited number of class periods throughout the semester, so using the time well is of considerable importance.  A general framework for each class period follows:

Course Objectives:  The objectives of this course are to 1) provide students a solid theoretical background in several traffic engineering topics, 2) apply theory and traffic engineering tools to an engineering design and analysis problem, and 3) improve students’ technical presentation skills and ability to work in teams.