I am pleased to announce that Olin Green has joined my research group as of May 1. Olin has graduated from UConn with a BSE in Civil Engineering and will study for a PhD in the Civil Engineering program. He is working on a project funded by CT DOT and FHWA that will evaluate the safety effects of converting the pedestrian phasing at DOT traffic signals from “side-street-green” to “concurrent”.
Oluwaseun Olufowobi joins research group
I am excited to announce that Oluwaseun Olufowobi has joined my research group as a doctoral student. Olu comes to us having earned a MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Dayton. She will be working on my Federal Highway Administration EAR grant developing Realistic Artificial Data for evaluating crash prediction models. Welcome Olu!
Applications being accepted for Tenure Track Faculty Position in Transportation Engineering
The department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut is accepting applications for a tenure track faculty position in the area of Artificial Intelligence in Transportation and/or Connected and Automated Vehicles. Please follow the link below for more information and to apply.
New Graduate Students
I am happy to announce two new students joining my research group.
Muthumari Anbumani joined the group in January as a PhD student. She is working on the FHWA EAR project developing Realistic Artificial Data for evaluating crash prediction models.
Quinn Packer joined the group in August as a MS student. He is working for the Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center constructing a safety analysis dataset.
They join my group which also consists of the following students:
Sadia Sharmin, a PhD candidate currently working on a CCTRP project incorporating demographic and behavioral variables into crash prediction models.
Md. Julfiker Hossain, a PhD candidate currently working on project NCHRP 17-85, estimating models to improve prediction of crash severity.
Pankaj Joshi, a MS student working on a CAMMSE project estimating models that consider pedestrian/vehicle conflicts to predict pedestrian crossing volumes.
Sadia Sharmin wins Overly Fellowship
I am pleased to announce that my student Sadia Sharmin has been selected by the Connecticut Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) to receive the Helene M. Overly Memorial Graduate Scholarship. Congratulations Sadia!
Two graduate students pass PhD General Exam
I am proud to announce that two of my PhD Students, Md. Julfiker Hossain and Sadia Sharmin have passed the PhD General Exam. They are now both candidates for the PhD in Civil Engineering / Transportation and Urban Engineering. Congratulations Julfiker and Sadia!
Unica Khadka wins Helene Overly Memorial Scholarship
I am proud to announce that my Master’s advisee Unica Khadka has been awarded the Helene Overly Memorial Scholarship by the Connecticut Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar.
Congratulations Unica! Well done!